Articles Tagged with: Book Marketing

“5 Stars Out Of 5!” For Author Publicity: Annie Jennings and her amazing team, are simply the best there is in the book PR business! I’ve been a client for many years, with several of my projects. They have always been a pleasure to work with, more importantly, they get the results you seek, without the risk that comes when working with most PR firms”.  Dr. B Author

PROMOTE from HOME! The success of the #radiocampaign was amazing. I would see the book sales happening-counting them as they happened. Boom! Boom! Boom! I was amazed. I have to give #AnnieJenningsPR a lot of credit – without them & their sales power,  the new book would not be coming out. – Author Mike S. 

Dr. A says Annie has a tremendous history of success and once he spoke with her he knew she had mastered the publicity process. Annie fights for you. Dr. Aguila says, “let me tell you, with Annie, be careful what you wish for – she will get you there!”

Basically what I understand is that if you are booking through #AnnieJenningsPR, the media knows that you are well-vetted, prepared and media-trained for the radio format. The radio show hosts were very excited, “Oh this is an Annie Jennings PR guest, we don’t have  to worry.” This was the gist I was getting from the radio shows.” Oh Annie’s guest? Excellent! They were genuinely very excited not only about me but about the fact that I was an Annie Jennings PR client.

PROFESSIONAL STRATEGY, How The Most Successful Think. Cedric L. says, “in the consultancy world, it’s very important to have your reputation enhanced by your media presence. Annie has a great team of PR professionals who can get the job done”

Andrea first heard of Annie Jennings PR at a publicity event where everyone was talking about Annie.The next day she had Annie on the phone. Annie got her three major media thought leader placements within a month for a fraction of the price that other firms charge who don’t guarantee anything. “Working with Annie is just this beautiful relationship. I use my big media placements to get my fees. When I tell my clients my daily rate they expect it. No questions asked. I am suddenly perceived as a star.“

What’s The ROI on working with Annie? The only word would be EXPONENTIAL IMPACT – my social media, my website traffic. Frankly, when I started these were not the things I paid attention to because I am an attorney. I have a trial practice. I am an author. I am very busy. I am not a marketing person. Once I started this campaign it is unbelievable what happened in terms of exposure. I cannot even begin to tell you how much it has exceeded my expectations.” Richard C. Bell

Real publicity client & speaker, Cedric says, “in the consultancy world, it’s very important to have your reputation enhanced by your media presence. Annie has a great team of PR professionals who can get the job done”.

Genuine is hard to fake. Annie is genuine. Again, you are an author or speaker and you have a first book coming out. You are bombarded with other PR firms making promises about what they can do for you and I have spoken with a few of them. Again, you cannot fake being genuine. That was the sense I got with Annie right away. There was no false promises. She did not say she was going to make me a star. She set up the expectations clearly. Set up the services clearly. We can go here, we can do that, then maybe later we can go here . . . No hard push. I did not feel any hard push such as with other firms who say “if you don’t do this today then I am not going to be able to do this.” None of that. Everything was all very genuine and she listened to me. – Louie Gravance, Author

Tough Times Require An Even Tougher Annie Jennings PR. Get Annie’s MediaMix Publicity

It all started with radio. We began building our media profile with radio and media training. That was awesome. We moved into print, online media and television. It just doesn’t stop with Annie. My media profile is so big now I can’t even keep up with it. It’s just every day something new!”

Hire a top publicist for self-published book marketing success. At a certain point, it’s time to hire a top self-published book and author publicist to help you achieve your highest levels of success and the ultimate goals for your book!

Sign up with Annie today. Do not hesitate. It’s amazing. Just enjoy the ride. I am so happy I made the decision to work with Annie Jennings PR!

Real Client Weldon L. Says: “Annie Jennings PR got me booked on a TV show called MSNBC’s Your Business. And after I did the interview, just that next week, we got a call from a major firm about doing some sales training and speaking for their sales team across the country. That’s just the obvious implication of how media attracts opportunities but how many other indirect business opportunities came from all the exposure is hard to tell but there is a definite relationship between that type of exposure and business opportunities.”

Annie guarantees her publicity contracts. Wow! The guarantee of me getting 8 top radio shows in the top markets was exactly right for me. The more I researched, the more I saw the reviews of Annie’s services, the more I realized Annie Jennings PR was going to stand behind their word.