Articles Tagged with: Best PR Firm For Authors

Real client says “when you are pitched to the media by a firm with a trusted reputation and credibility, that transfers to you. You are considered an expert in your field just by working with the national PR firm, Annie Jennings PR.” Jay A, Author

I am not kidding. #AnnieJenningsPR is the answer to your prayer. This is straight from the heart. Annie will really help you get your book out into the world. – Author, Echo B.

Wow, Annie was down to earth. She was upfront. She talked to me. She did not have an agenda. It was not a hard sale. It was not a soft sale. It was more of a ‘hey I am Annie Jennings and this who we are and what we do. This is what I can do for you, this is what I can’t do for you’. It just went down the path from there.  She made me feel like I wanted to be involved. I just wanted to say YES, sign me up right there! – Dr. Wayne

The success of our radio talk show publicity campaign was more than we expected! We would hang up from the radio interview and just see the book’s sales happening. We were just counting them on our computer. Boom! Boom! Boom! We were amazed!- Mark G. Author

I have already recommended Annie Jennings PR to other authors who have asked for my opinion on PR and radio. I heartily recommend your services to any author who wants to know that their precious PR dollars are well spent.

Radio campaign testimonial from major publisher: “We have experienced a jump in sales of certain titles into the tens of thousands after a radio interview campaign scheduled by Annie Jennings PR. I would not consider launching a campaign without including her services.” – Marjorie Conte, New World Library

What’s The ROI on working with Annie? The only word would be EXPONENTIAL IMPACT – my social media, my website traffic. Frankly, when I started these were not the things I paid attention to because I am an attorney. I have a trial practice. I am an author. I am very busy. I am not a marketing person. Once I started this campaign it is unbelievable what happened in terms of exposure. I cannot even begin to tell you how much it has exceeded my expectations.” Richard C. Bell

I received a call from the Federal Government that had heard me on the radio. She bought my book and really wanted me to talk to some of her groups that included the Smithsonian, The American Museum of Black History along with a lot of Federal Institutions. It was an esteemed invitation. I was thrilled to get that call. It was unexpected. – Gail F. Author

Genuine is hard to fake. Annie is genuine. Again, you are an author or speaker and you have a first book coming out. You are bombarded with other PR firms making promises about what they can do for you and I have spoken with a few of them. Again, you cannot fake being genuine. That was the sense I got with Annie right away. There was no false promises. She did not say she was going to make me a star. She set up the expectations clearly. Set up the services clearly. We can go here, we can do that, then maybe later we can go here . . . No hard push. I did not feel any hard push such as with other firms who say “if you don’t do this today then I am not going to be able to do this.” None of that. Everything was all very genuine and she listened to me. – Louie Gravance, Author

We began a search for PR firms. We realized that we had grown to the point where we wanted to get our name out. Annie kept coming up, kept coming up and kept coming up in our searches. I wanted to go with somebody who had a high visibility and Annie Jennings PR had a high visibility.

“You are amazing!!! Seriously, I love booking with you. Never a hassle, always easy, always available. I truly appreciate that. You guys are wonderful! Thanks again for everything.” Network Radio

Sign up with Annie today. Do not hesitate. It’s amazing. Just enjoy the ride. I am so happy I made the decision to work with Annie Jennings PR!

Annie guarantees her publicity contracts. Wow! The guarantee of me getting 8 top radio shows in the top markets was exactly right for me. The more I researched, the more I saw the reviews of Annie’s services, the more I realized Annie Jennings PR was going to stand behind their word.

#AnnieJenningsPR was willing to make guarantees. She really listened to me. I felt really supported.

Real Client Publicity Tips:You want a performance publicity firm who puts their money where their mouth is – that’s Annie Jennings PR Annie Jennings PR gets paid for delivering the media bookings that fall within what their promise to you. This is called guaranteed deliverable and performance-based publicity.