Articles Tagged with: Author Publicity

Annie guarantees her publicity contracts. Wow! The guarantee of me getting 8 top radio shows in the top markets was exactly right for me. The more I researched, the more I saw the reviews of Annie’s services, the more I realized Annie Jennings PR was going to stand behind their word.

#AnnieJenningsPR was willing to make guarantees. She really listened to me. I felt really supported.

I think Annie really got me right away. The clincher was her professionalism. I have worked with CEOs who are worth millions and I have seen many professionals. Annie was a professional. She knew what needed to get done. Her energy was impressive!

I did my research and found Annie Jennings PR among others and dug deep. I think Annie really got me right away. The clincher was her professionalism. I have worked with CEOs who are worth millions and I have seen many professionals. Annie was a professional. She knew what needed to get done. Her energy was impressive and that was exactly what I needed. It was a good feeling.

Real Client Publicity Tips:You want a performance publicity firm who puts their money where their mouth is – that’s Annie Jennings PR Annie Jennings PR gets paid for delivering the media bookings that fall within what their promise to you. This is called guaranteed deliverable and performance-based publicity.