Articles Tagged with: Annie Jennings PR

Real client says “when you are pitched to the media by a firm with a trusted reputation and credibility, that transfers to you. You are considered an expert in your field just by working with the national PR firm, Annie Jennings PR.” Jay A, Author

Real Client days, “That’s it – I’m addicted! Any time I need a national publicity fix, you’re my contact. Annie Jennings PR leaves you wanting more. THANKS for the effort, the passion, and of course – the results!” Vince C. Author 

PROMOTE from HOME! The success of the #radiocampaign was amazing. I would see the book sales happening-counting them as they happened. Boom! Boom! Boom! I was amazed. I have to give #AnnieJenningsPR a lot of credit – without them & their sales power,  the new book would not be coming out. – Author Mike S. 

Dr. A says Annie has a tremendous history of success and once he spoke with her he knew she had mastered the publicity process. Annie fights for you. Dr. Aguila says, “let me tell you, with Annie, be careful what you wish for – she will get you there!”

Annie’s publicists are professionals with tremendous experience and rich relationships with the media. They know exactly what to do. Annie Jennings PR has created innovative publicity strategies in use throughout the industry that are designed to bring clients a lot more success than the older models of PR.

I am not kidding. #AnnieJenningsPR is the answer to your prayer. This is straight from the heart. Annie will really help you get your book out into the world. – Author, Echo B.

I had a great return on my investment (ROI). But let me back up just a second because there’s more to it than just getting great sales. With Annie Jennings’s team, everything was just done professionally. Working with Annie Jennings PR’s team was a pleasure. My staff would always comment to me, “Mark, we have a radio spot coming up with Annie Jennings”. We would always get excited about it. Because we knew it would be on time, it would be professional and we would be presented in the best possible light. – Mark S. Author Expert

Wow, Annie was down to earth. She was upfront. She talked to me. She did not have an agenda. It was not a hard sale. It was not a soft sale. It was more of a ‘hey I am Annie Jennings and this who we are and what we do. This is what I can do for you, this is what I can’t do for you’. It just went down the path from there.  She made me feel like I wanted to be involved. I just wanted to say YES, sign me up right there! – Dr. Wayne

Basically what I understand is that if you are booking through #AnnieJenningsPR, the media knows that you are well-vetted, prepared and media-trained for the radio format. The radio show hosts were very excited, “Oh this is an Annie Jennings PR guest, we don’t have  to worry.” This was the gist I was getting from the radio shows.” Oh Annie’s guest? Excellent! They were genuinely very excited not only about me but about the fact that I was an Annie Jennings PR client.

Real client says, “trust the advice that Annie Jennings gives you. Every piece of advice Annie gave us was excellent. We had an idea of what it would be like to work with Annie Jennings. It was better than we thought. When you go on their site and you look at everything . . . #AnnieJenningsPR is one of the few companies that we have ever dealt with and I mean this sincerely, where they over-delivered on every promise. The promises were pretty good too and yet they over-delivered on every promise. The proof is in the pudding. We are back for more! – Author Mark. G

#AnnieJennings PR has a high demand for their publicity services & always have a waiting list.  I was very happy that I was able to get in and work with them. The results really paid off in more ways than one. – Len Garza, Attorney

Andrea first heard of Annie Jennings PR at a publicity event where everyone was talking about Annie.The next day she had Annie on the phone. Annie got her three major media thought leader placements within a month for a fraction of the price that other firms charge who don’t guarantee anything. “Working with Annie is just this beautiful relationship. I use my big media placements to get my fees. When I tell my clients my daily rate they expect it. No questions asked. I am suddenly perceived as a star.“

As a result of working with Annie Jennings PR, Race & Labor Relations Expert, Jason Greer, has become the “Go To” Diversity Expert in Washington DC and a trusted source in the latest race and labor relations news for media across the country, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes and FOX News Radio. “Annie made this happen for me. There is no going back after working with Annie.” – Author Expert, Jason G.

Radio campaign testimonial from major publisher: “We have experienced a jump in sales of certain titles into the tens of thousands after a radio interview campaign scheduled by Annie Jennings PR. I would not consider launching a campaign without including her services.” – Marjorie Conte, New World Library

What’s The ROI on working with Annie? The only word would be EXPONENTIAL IMPACT – my social media, my website traffic. Frankly, when I started these were not the things I paid attention to because I am an attorney. I have a trial practice. I am an author. I am very busy. I am not a marketing person. Once I started this campaign it is unbelievable what happened in terms of exposure. I cannot even begin to tell you how much it has exceeded my expectations.” Richard C. Bell

Annie operates her PR firm based on who she is – Annie is a powerhouse of honor, integrity and always under-promises and over-delivers. It’s about character with her. Her whole firm is like that. They are like a family that always has your back. When I say she over-delivers, she does. She knows she is going to produce. And her firm did. I was with another PR firm once and they took my money and I never heard from them again.” – Andrew Wittman PhD, Author Expert