Publicity, marketing and promotion on TV to create an impressive career advantage.
Many authors and experts wonder how to make their media placements more meaningful to their growth in many areas including business success. Annie of the national PR firm, Annie Jennings PR, says that publicity can be one of the most powerful tools in helping you create outstanding success in your career. Publicity begins with people communicating with other people and from there a relationship grows. It is with these relationships that success starts to happen.
Publicity, marketing and promotion as the cornerstone of your business success strategy.
- The audience gets to know you. There is nothing like being up close and personal with someone to start to get to know them. The more you interact with a real person the more you can be drawn to their work and develop a deeper impression and appreciation of the person.
- Have as many positive touch points with any audience as you can. Go on the radio talk shows, get booked on TV shows, appear in print and in prestigious online media. Let your audience get to know you from the visual of TV to your commentary on radio talk shows and your insights as a quoted expert in the top media brands online.
- It all adds up. The idea is consistency over time. One touch point via the media with a client may not be enough to build the kind of relationship needed to secure a solid business relationship. But with enough positive exposure over time you starting becoming “known” in your area of expertise. People feel they know you even if they have never met you. That is an accomplishment and gives you a significant marketing advantage. You have earned your market’s trust through your honest, talented and passionate commentary in the media.
- Have courage; never give up. As hard as it may seem in this cluttered, and sometimes seemingly cut throat competitive environment, stay focused on success there are times when it just feels like it’s not working out well for you. But here is a word of caution. STOP doing all of the same things you were doing and add in new strategy. Whether or not it works right away, it is still an energy enhancer and ignites your passion and that can lead to break through ideas that can get you back on a better and perhaps your ideal track. Failure, at first, is the price you pay for success. Failure is the yellow brick road leading to success.
- Stay in the game. You never know where your next big opportunity will originate. Always be writing. Always be creating. Always be developing new strategies that serve your clients better. One thing we all know in the fast-changing world is that nothing stays the same. And that is true for marketing strategy. Embrace all the ways you can impact the lives of others. If they happen to become members of your community and buy your books and services – fabulous. But if not, your focus on helping them with your gifts, that is, your area of expertise will always be out there in the world working for you. If you have helped them, they will help you down the road. You don’t know when. You don’t know where. But they are out there and when the chance comes, you will be remembered.
Authors and experts say Annie Jennings PR has helped them share their messages so they can help people all over the world, assisting them to live their dreams of being a successful author. Annie helps her clients create their highest level of achievement in the media.
Annie Jennings PR has produced thousands of successful publicity media campaigns. Annie offers her highly acclaimed #1 radio talk show interview campaign that includes unlimited media training for her clients from an award-winning professional, a performance guarantee where your money is considered an investment in your growth and development and you get bookings on the major, high-impact, high-listenership radio talk shows. These shows can include the nationally syndicated networks that help share your message across the USA.
Publicity, marketing and promotion programs for author PR
Clients LOVE the famous Annie Jennings PR Performance Publicity programs. Annie stands for authors. She stands for her clients and creates media outreach campaigns for just about anyone who has a powerful and meaningful message to share. Annie says “it’s about helping others with our gifts. My gift is that I can see how a person’s message can impact society for the better and get clients booked on the air with their message. My client’s gift is that they have an area of expertise that can influence change. It is through our combined efforts, my clients and our firm, that we can change the world – as they say – for the better – one listener, one viewer or one reader at a time.”
Performance publicity is an exciting way to approach PR and marketing strategy.
Performance publicity programs are offered for TV bookings, prestigious print and influential online media placements.
Annie Jennings has been a guest speaker for The Harvard Club, NYU’s Publishing Program, the American Society Of Journalists & Authors, and more. Annie is an acclaimed PR expert who has been featured in major print, magazines and big brand online media such as Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, US Weekly,, and
#Publicity #Marketing #Promotion #AnnieJenningsPR #BestPublicist #AuthorPR #Selfpub