TV Publicity for authors, experts and speakers!
Watch our author and expert, Natalia Peart PhD who is a Psychologist & Fortune 500 Executive Leadership Consultant, Dr. Natalia Peart, who is a graduate of Georgetown, Harvard Medical School & Brown University on NBC TV.
Dr. Natalia Peart discusses the “I will be happy when'” syndrome and reveals how to overcome this syndrome that may be preventing you from experience happiness now. Dr. Peart says “success is a lifestyle and not a destination out there in the future”. She talks about bringing the things that matter to us into our lives and shares tips on how to live in the here and now. “The first step of getting rid of the “I will be happy when” syndrome is to get rid of the checklist,” says Dr. Peart. “Get rid of things you think you have to do or have before you can be happy.”
Watch this NBC TV segment video for more tips with Dr. Peart.
#TVPublicity! Get booked on TV from Boston to NYC to Chicago to Los Angeles and more!
Want to get more publicity by getting booked on TV shows in lots of cities including NYC, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Dallas, Houston, Denver, Chicago, Washington DC, Miami, Boston and lots more?
Being seen on TV in the major cities is great to add lots of power, credibility and influence to your media bio. Plus you can purchase the TV video segment and leverage your TV publicity on your website, in your social media and before your potential clients.
Annie Jennings PR interviews many of her former publicity clients to tell what it was like for them to get publicity with Annie Jennings for her Real Stories Of Publicity Success podcast post series you can find here.
One of our real publicity story experts and client of Annie’s says “my media profile is so big now I can’t even keep up with it. It’s just every day something new! The media I have received is really a big deal. It’s the big brand name media as well. All of my media just opened the door to a big publishing house. It would never have happened without the strategy that Annie uses for her clients. It’s literally insane to not work with Anne Jennings PR.” You can listen to the full recording here.
Connect with #AnnieJenningsPR for #Publicity at
Speak with Annie personally by letting us know of your interest in getting publicity to help achieve your goals and objects. Speak with Annie!
Annie Jennings of the National PR Firm, #AnnieJenningsPR
Annie Jennings is a highly respected and accomplished National Publicist whose vision and insight have revolutionized the publicity industry. Recognized as a leader in their field, this firm is America’s hottest PR company. Annie has the “IT” factor and seeks to help you create your highest level of achievement in the media. Annie says “I stand for authors. It is my goal for every author to be heard and get their chance at the brass ring”. Our firm has produced thousands of successful media campaigns. Annie Jennings PR offers the #1 radio talk show campaign that includes unlimited media training & a performance guarantee. Performance publicity is offered for TV bookings, print and online media placements. Get booked on TV shows as a guest or expert and enjoy lots of buzz and expansion of your message.
Annie is famous for her #1 National Radio Campaign where clients are ONLY booked on high-impact, high-listenership, top radio shows in the top 35 or Top 45 cities as well as the Nationally Syndicated Shows. Many clients sign up for a certain amount of interviews but by the end of their campaign they are heard on hundreds and thousands of radio stations via bookings on the nationally syndicated talk radio shows. You can view and listen to these real stories on under the Success Stories tab on the home page.
Annie is well-known for her powerful Performance Publicity Program. This fascinating “smart money” publicity approach allows clients to target specific media that moves their business growth strategy forward. There are NO monthly retainers. Just secured media results that move your business model forward.
Annie Jennings has presented for The Harvard Club in Boston to CEOs on Communication Strategies, a guest lecturer for NYU’s Publishing Program and the American Society Of Journalists & Authors & more.
Annie Jennings is a sought after PR expert commenting in high-powered media including Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, US Weekly,, and