Annie shares a real publicity story from an author coming off an experience with another PR firm.
So this author says to Annie “it’s OK that IÂ paid for a radio campaign but got nothing for my money.”
Is this what the publicity industry has come to?
People turn over their hard-earned money to get their message out and get nothing back in return.
And they are OK with it?
Somebody wake me up from this horrible dream. This can’t be happening. Authors happy to lose their money.
“It’s ok that I got nothing,” this author told Annie. “Because I didn’t lose too much money. The PR lady was new and just wanted to get some experience so I got a good price.”
So this new PR lady is a sharp one. She got this innocent author to sign up so she could learn how to do publicity on their dime.
Well, I am here to tell you a few publicity facts:
- It takes years to build up strong relationships with the exact media sources that can book a certain type of client.
- Email blasts to see what sticks to the wall are bad. Why? If the media does not know and respect your publicist’s name, how can they possibly open the email? And the constant blast emailing of the inexperienced publicists in the hopes of getting bookings is just like this famous Einstein quote: “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
But yet, this author was willing to lose her publicity money. And get nothing.
“This makes no sense to me,” says Annie.
At Annie’s each penny you pay for our services is invested in your publicity success. Annie offers a guarantee of performance on her radio talk show campaigns that only book the big shows in the big markets and on regionally and nationally syndicated shows. And the radio campaign comes with unlimited media training from an award-winning former news producer and booker who has over 25 years of experience. Nice perk!
And you radio publicity director has over 17 years of experience booking the major radio talk shows in the top cities in the country. Another nice reason to work with Annie’s PR firm.
Pay for performance, pay for placement publicity program
Plus Annie offers her famous performance publicity campaign where a client’s specific growth strategy as it pertains to the media is implemented. And better yet, the client only pays for secured media results.
But yet, this author gladly handed her money over to someone brand new in the publicity industry in the hopes of . . . what? A miracle.
There are no miracles in PR.
There are strong relationships with the media like the ones Annie has. Respected publicists who know exactly who to pitch for what topic. And quite frankly, when you turn your money over and use the words “I hope I get something,” you know you pretty much just lost your investment in yourself.
But Annie does not let you lose your publicity money
At Annie’s PR firm, clients do not have to hope for the best. They already know they are moving forward with a #1 PR firm respected by thousands of media and thousands of authors, experts and speakers. They don’t have to hope at all. There are performance guarantees in place that protect a client’s investment.
So although there are no miracles in publicity, Annie’s clients feel like they had the time of their lives and that Annie offered more value than they could have thought possible.
And yes, it sure feels like Annie can produce miracle outcomes.
But in reality. The client is the miracle. I just go get it for them.
Annie is one of America’s top publicists working hard for her authors everyday. Our firm offers performance guarantees and pay for performance PR services that clients LOVE. Join us today.