Book marketing is a lot of work.
We know that. You need to hire a book promotion PR firm with a great reputation. Update your social media so you are active on many levels. Quite frankly it’s a huge job. So let me give you this important advice – hire an assistant. They can help you in so many ways. Writing and marketing a book should be FUN along with being a lot of work. So the idea is to relax and enjoy the book marketing process!
Annie Jennings, national publicist and creator of the book marketing firm Annie Jennings PR says “authors have a unique opportunity to have the time of their lives. Don’t get wrapped up “how many books” you sold but do get wrapped up in “how many people have I helped with my message”. That’s where the happiness comes in. Knowing you made a difference. You voice was heard. Your experience valued.
Here is why authors should have fun with their book marketing
1. FUN: Authors get to have fun. Yes, that is correct. They get to have a book party, and who doesn’t love a party?
2. NEW FRIENDS: They get to meet lots of new people everywhere they go.
3. RECREATE THEIR LIVES: They get to travel to new cities, see new sites, and go to faraway places they have always dreamed of visiting all in the name of promoting their new book.
4. NEW EXPERIENCES: They get to dare to do things they never would have done before such as give a workshop, go on radio shows, be on a TV show – “live the dream” kind of stuff.
5. CONTRIBUTE: They get to share the message in their hearts. You know the one, its call a piece of the puzzle. Everyone has one. The puzzle is called World Happiness and until everybody gets out their piece of the puzzle that lies within their hearts and places it in its spot in the world the puzzle will never be complete.
Writing a book is about people helping people. When you market your book or promote your work you are reaching the people whose lives you can help with your message. And think about it this way – whose lives will those people influence? And so on and so forth . . . You have power in your message or you would not have bothered writing you book. You can do this. Putting your message out into the world starts a domino effect of very good things.
When you write a book you create meaning and purpose in your life. Book marketing can be fun!
The mistake authors make is to think that it’s about money or about sales when it is really all about the opportunity to create, to share your message, have lots of fun and contribute your piece of the World Happiness puzzle.
Book marketing with Annie Jennings PR firm:
How can Annie Jennings PR firm help? Her national publicity firm, with locations across the country, specializes in making book marketing meaningful, fun and an overall terrific experience for you. That’s right, the famous Annie Jennings PR helps authors and experts put their finger on their message (you know, the one that triggered their desire to write a book). Annie’s wraps your message, your underlying passion in the socially relevant headlines of the day and before you know it, BINGO, you are on a radio interview in the big cities reaching lots of people and have the time of your life in ways you never dreamed possible.
So, is your success determined by books sales?
Annie Jennings PR is a publicity industry book promotion expert who helps authors and experts get booked on national radio and TV shows, as well print and online media to help them share their message.