Work with a top U.S. PR Firm during a crisis or in this case, a pandemic.
The media wants to work with the highest credentialed experts in their field. When crisis hits only the experience and influential experts are most in demand. This is because their advice is especially meaningful in crisis situations to help people understand and develop a plan to move forward. These experts become a critical source of quality information.
Annie Jennings PR is a trusted media source and has a library of top quality experts ready to help out when needed.
Find out how to sign up with Annie as a top expert using the blue box below as many opportunities await those whose voices are heard out in the world in times of trouble.
Experts excelerate their careers quickly in fast moving news cycles when they are the featured expert commentator.
Annie Jennings from the national PR firm, #AnnieJenningsPR says, “we have had clients that rose to the top of their industry as a thought leader very quickly (and even in a pandemic or should I say, especially in pandemic, where many careers are accelerated).
How did they do it?
They embraced our proprietary media growth and development strategy created over the years to magnify our client’s potential quickly. Many of our experts report tremendous success in many aspects of their career as they “jump on the Annie band wagon” and, as they say, “let her lead the way”.
People say Annie is blessed with an Eagle Eye.
They say “Annie knows why you are good and shows you how to fit in with the current social trend as it exists in that moment. She knows where that media is as well.”
Annie continues “I like to identify a client’s credentials, experience and insights to create a position of strength and thought leadership in their area of expertise. My clients have talent but do not have someone like me who has a vision for them and knows the market as it relates to their expertise. Like I do. I hold a vision of success for each expert.”
As our experts have told us, Annie Jennings PR, knew our potential even before we did!
“As I speak with a client, even for the first time, once they tell me their goals, I map out a strategy just for them before the end of the call. I know the media markets very well and in turn, know how media can help our clients magnify their career. From here, clients report they have attracted new opportunities, new consulting projects and but not limited to, new speaking gigs they can directly link back to our PR strategy. Check out our real stories of success told in our client’s own words at success publicity stories:”
Do you have an interest in becoming an Annie Jennings PR expert?
If so, just click on the box below and fill out the publicity interest form for us so we can learn more about you. Soon you will be speaking with Annie herself!
Annie Jennings PR is a top US publicity and publicity relations firm.
Annie Jennings PR firm works with experts with credentials that support their area of expertise for radio talk show campaigns, TV bookings, online major brand media placements.
Annie says “so many of our experts reports amazing results due to their media campaign. This makes me proud of our firm, our staff and our mission “for the betterment of all”.