The other day I was talking to a woman in business.
“I can’t go on this way,” she said. “Nobody is buying”.
Good point. Let’s give this some deeper thought. Could it be that nobody is buying what you are selling?
Or could it be that you have given away the farm for free?
Let’s examine this point about the farm as it is so common these days.
She told me that she does a lot of speaking where she reveals all of her intellectual property for a hundred dollar honorarium.
So I asked her something to make my point . . .
Do you know why I have never written a book? Because I would have to charge a million dollars for it.
Because what I know can turn anyone into a millionaire.
But, back to her problem, she had given away the farm. She created her own living nightmare – armed her more aggressive competitors with her knowledge built up over many years of experience and now, quite frankly, in her business, they don’t need her anymore.
But she is in luck. She can rebound and actually be better than before.
1) Stop giving away intellectual property for a small fee or for free
2) Build new services with various price points
3) Up-level your brand to a high-powered business professional whose can deliver outcomes
And that’s exactly what she is doing with Annie’s help.
Yes, #AnniesGotASecret and her clients know what it is.
Be sure to connect with Annie to see how her marketing services can help you. Just click on the banner below and you will be on your way to a whole new future.